Algyroides fitzingeri   (WIEGMANN, 1834)

Algyroides fitzingeri   (WIEGMANN, 1834)

Order by:  
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  • Carneiro, D. & Garcia-Munoz, E. & Zagar, A. & Pafilis, P. & Carretero, M.A. (2013) -  Is ecophysiology in accordance with current distribution for the four species assigned to Algyroides? -  In: Žagar, A. (ed.): Abstracts of the 8th International Symposium on the Lacertids of the Mediterranean Basin, 03 - 06 June 2013, Koper, Slovenia: 32.     

  • Carneiro, D. & Garcia-Munoz, E. & Zagar, A. & Pafilis, P. & Carretero, M.A. (2017) -  Is ecophysiology congruent with the present-day relictual distribution of a lizard group? Evidence from preferred temperatures and water loss rates. -  Herpetological Journal, 27: 47-56.    

  • Corti, C. (2006) -  Algyroides fizingeri - Algiroide nano / Pygmy algyroides. -  In: Sindaco, R., Doria, G., Rezzetti, E. & F. Bernini (eds): Atlante degli Anfibi e dei Rettli d’Italia. Societas Herpetologica Italica, Edizioni Polistampa, Firenze. 430-433.   

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  • Corti, C. & Cheylan, M. & Sindaco, R. & Romano, A. (2009) -  Algyroides fitzingeri. -  The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2009: e.T61464A12489532. en.  

  • Corti, C. & Lo Cascio, P. (1999) -  Algyroides fitzingeri (WIEGMANN, 1834) Algiroide nano. -  In: Corti, C- & P. Lo Cascio (eds.): I Lacertidi Italiani, L’Epos, Palermo: 17-19.   

  • Corti, C. & Lo Cascio, P. (2002) -  Algyroides fitztingeri (WIEGMANN, 1834) Pigmy Algyroides (Italian name: algiroide nano). -  In: The Lizards of Italy and Adjacent Areas. pp. 58-61.   

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  • Delaugerre, M. (1983) -  Amphibiens et Reptiles de la Réserve Naturelle de Scandola: observations nouvelles et intéressantes. -  Travaux scientifiques du Parc naturel régional et des Réserves naturelles de la Corse, Ajaccio, 2 (4): 105-109.  

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  • Delaugerre, M. & Cheylan, M. (1992) -  L’Algyroide de Fitzinger Algyroïdes fitzingeri (Wiegmann, 1834). Corse. pp. 64-66.  -  In: Atlas de Repartition des Batraciens et Reptiles de Corse. pp. 64-66.   

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  • Diesener, G. & Reichholf, J. (1986) -  Tyrrhenische- oder Zwerg-Kieleidechse Algyroides fitzingeri; Spanische Kieleidechse Algyroides marchi. -  In: Lurche und Kriechtiere. Mosaik, München: 134-135.   

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