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Literature- and poster projects
of the real lizards, family Lacertidae
Timon TSCHUDI, 1836
Species (6):
Timon kurdistanicus (SUCHOW, 1936)
Timon lepidus (DAUDIN, 1802)
Timon nevadensis (BUCHHOLZ, 1963)
Timon pater (LATASTE, 1880)
Timon princeps (BLANFORD, 1874)
Timon tangitanus (BOULENGER, 1889)
Species Typica:
Relevant taxonomic literature:
Tschudi, J.J. (1836) -
Mayer, W. & Bischoff, W. (1996) -
According to their phylogenetic relationships, the subgenera Zootoca, Omanosaura, and Timon are excluded from the genus Lacerta, and Teira is excluded from the genus Podarcis. On the basis of their morphological and karyological pecularities, they are defined as full genera.
Algeria, France, Gibraltar, Iran, Iraq, Italy, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Syria, Tunisia, Türkiye
Timon: 975 references
Timon: 394 pictures (see species level)
Timon pater © 2010 David Hegner