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Literature- and poster projects
of the real lizards, family Lacertidae
Lacerta bilineata bilineata DAUDIN, 1802
Albinet, S. & Muratet, J. & Vacher, J.-P. (2013) -
The city of Toulouse is engaged in a policy of census, conservation and development of urban biodiversity. In this context, a survey of the fauna and flora has been ordered to the consulting firm Biotope. Nineteen sites, chosen by the City of Toulouse for their potential interest, have been surveyed in 2009. A supplementary site was surveyed in 2011. Also, data was gathered from other organisms involved in biodiversity monitoring. This article presents the results of the data collected in the course of this study, with addition of supplementary data from the authors. This study enabled to enhance the current knowledge on the herpetofauna of the county of Toulouse, with more than 600 field data collected, and the discovery of three new taxa. The number of amphibian and reptile species of Toulouse is respectively twelve and ten.
Beltra, S. (2012) -
The list of amphibians and reptiles living in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur constitutes an inventory of up-to-date knowledge on herpetofauna. It contains 22 amphibian taxons and 41 reptile taxons. It also contains their regional distribution, a list of the relevant national, European, and international protection laws, as well as the conservation status of each species.
Beltra, S. (2013) -
The list of amphibians and reptiles living in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur constitutes an inventory of up-to-date knowledge on herpetofauna.
Böckl, W. & Zauner, J. (2014) -
From 10/05/2014 to 05/17/2014 we traveled some selected areas in the south of France together with two terrarium friends. We have already known the lizards that occur in this area from former trips to other countries in southern Europe. Thus, our interest was in the following landscapes, outstanding by their particular circumstances, such as substrate, vegetation, moisture and color. Of course we also wanted to observe and photograph the resident reptiles and amphibians and in particular the „king“ of the Provence – the Ocellated lizard (Timon lepidus lepidus).
Böhme, M.U. & Fritz, U. & Kotenko, T. & Džukić, G. & Ljubisavljević, K. & Tzankov, N. & Berendonk, T.U. (2006) -
It is well known that the current genetic pattern of many European species has been highly influenced by climatic changes during the Pleistocene. While there are many well known vertebrate examples, knowledge about squamate reptiles is sparse. To obtain more data, a range-wide sampling of Lacerta viridis was conducted and phylogenetic relations within the L. viridis complex were analysed using an mtDNA fragment encompassing part of cytochrome b, the adjacent tRNA genes and the noncoding control region. Most genetic divergence was found in the south of the distribution range. The Carpathian Basin and the regions north of the Carpathians and Alps are inhabited by the same mitochondrial lineage, corresponding to Lacerta viridis viridis. Three distinct lineages occurred in the south-eastern Balkans — corresponding to L. v. viridis, L. v. meridionalis, L. v. guentherpetersi— as well as a fourth lineage for which no subspecies name is available. This distribution pattern suggests a rapid range expansion of L. v. viridis after the Holocene warming, leading to a colonization of the northern part of the species range. An unexpected finding was that a highly distinct genetic lineage occurs along the western Balkan coast. Phylogenetic analyses (Bayesian, maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony) suggested that this west Balkan lineage could represent the sister taxon of Lacerta bilineata. Due to the morphological similarity of taxa within the L. viridis complex this cryptic taxon was previously assigned to L. v. viridis. The distribution pattern of several parapatric, in part highly, distinct genetic lineages suggested the existence of several refuges in close proximity on the southern Balkans. Within L. bilineata sensu stricto a generally similar pattern emerged, with a high genetic diversity on the Apennine peninsula, arguing for two distinct refuges there, and a low genetic diversity in the northern part of the range. Close to the south-eastern Alps, three distinct lineages (L. b. bilineata, L. v. viridis, west Balkan taxon) occurred within close proximity. We suggest that the west Balkan lineage represents an early offshoot of L. bilineata that was isolated during a previous Pleistocene glacial from the more western L. bilineata populations, which survived in refuges on the Apennine peninsula.
Böhme, W. & Corti, C. (1993) -
Börner, A.-R. (2015) -
Börner, A.-R. (2017) -
The emerald lizard reaches the northern limit of its distribution in the upper Middle Rhine Valley and has stringent, narrow requirements for its habitat. In the last years, habitats, populations, and the number of individuals have been in decline, mainly because of eutrophy and suboptimal grazing in the protected areas as well as an increasing civilization pressure (including domestic cats, tourists, and presumably poachers), less by the rationalized viticulture. The mere protection of the few remaining habitats is not sufficient. It is necessary to restore the historical habitats and to release captive-bred specimens there. A special initiative for the protection of the green lizards in the upper Middle Rhine Valley is required.
Bühler, M. (2014) -
Cheylan, M. (1972) -
Daudin, F.M. (1802) -
Deichsel, G. (2020) -
A witness reports the release of 100 Western Green Lizards Lacerta bilineata, originating from the canton of Ticino, Switzerland in the early 1950ies. The place of release is a residence area with garden-surrounded houses at Hasenberg Mountain within the city limits of Stuttgart, Germany. A permanent population established itself, remained undetected until 1996 and is meanwhile observed by the public. The area was formerly inhabited by Sand Lizards Lacerta agilis who vanished ca. 1970. The present accompanying reptile fauna consists of Slow Worms Anguis fragilis and Smooth Snakes Coronella austriaca. Since 2017 Common Wall Lizards are observed, phenotypically assigned to Podarcis muralis maculiventris of the Southern Alps lineage.
Deichsel, G. & A. Mangold (2021) -
Deichsel, G. & Ansermet, M. (2012) -
Deichsel, G. & Gleed-Owen, C.P. & Mayer, W. (2007) -
Dieckmann, M. (2001) -
Dieckmann, M. (2004) -
Dieckmann, M. (2006) -
Während eines einwöchigen Urlaubs im Bleniotal (Tessin, Schweiz) konnten die beiden dort lebenden Lacertidenarten, Lacerta bilineata bilineata und Podarcis muralis, in ihren Biotopen beobachtet werden.
Dieckmann, M. (2011) -
Frazer, J.F.D. (1949) -
Gilpin, H.G.B, (1969) -
Gleed-Owen, C.P. (2004) -
Grangé, P. (1995) -
Henninger, N. (2002) -
Kammel, W. (2022) -
Knoeffler, L.P. & Sochurek, E. (1956) -
Marzahn, E., Mayer, W., Joger, U., Ilgaz, Ç, Jablonski, D., Kindler, C., Kumlutaş, Y., Nistri, A., Schneeweiss, N., Vamberger, M., Žagar, A. & Fritz, U. (2016) -
Based on broad, nearly rangewide sampling, we reanalysed the phylogeography of the Lacerta viridis complex using the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and the intron 7 of the nuclear b-fibrinogen gene. Using the mitochondrial marker, we identified in phylogenetic analyses 10 terminal clades clustering in four deeply divergent main lineages whose relationships are weakly resolved. These lineages correspond to Lacerta bilineata, L. viridis, the previously identified Adriatic or West Balkan lineage and a newly discovered fourth lineage from the Anatolian Black Sea coast and the south-eastern Balkan Peninsula. Except for the latter lineage, there is considerable phylogeographic structuring in each lineage, with higher diversity in the south of the distribution ranges. This pattern indicates the existence of two distinct microrefugia in the Italian Peninsula and Sicily and of up to seven microrefugia in the Balkan Peninsula, but of only one refugium along the Black Sea coast of Anatolia. We identified secondary contact zones of the main lineages and of terminal clades within these lineages. However, most of the formerly described putative contact zone of L. bilineata and L. viridis turned out to be a contact zone between the Adriatic lineage and L. viridis, but L. bilineata seems to be involved only marginally. Our nuclear marker could not unambiguously resolve whether there is gene flow in contact zones. Thus, further research is necessary to decide whether the four main lineages are conspecific or whether they represent distinct biological species. We restrict the name L. v. meridionalis to the newly identified genetic lineage from Turkey and south-eastern Europe, synonymize some previously recognized taxa and suggest a tentative nomenclature for the L. viridis complex.
Mooyenkind, H. & Esterik, N. (1981) -
During the period July 8th to August7th the authors observed several species of amphibians and reptiles in the Rhône-valley in Switzerland. Notes are given on their habitat and on problems concerning determination of some species; remarks are made on the status oft he amphibians and reptiles in Switzerland.
Müller, P. (1971) -
Measurements of 131 specimens of Lacerta viridis fejervaryi from Elba island were taken. There was no proof that relative tail length will decline in populations of higher altitudes (more that 600 m) or will change from east tO west.
Muratet, J. (2015) -
Nettmann, H.K. (2016) -
The use of pictures from the internet as data source for more better distribution maps is demonstrated. Based on pictures within the database and using the only known field character “greenish throat colour in hatchlings” first records of Lacerta bilineata in Carintia (Austria) can be stated. And it is shown, that this character is obviously also useful to distinguish the L. bilineata of the “West Balkan clade” (W. Böhme et al. 2007) and L. viridis in the lowlands of Thessalia (Greece). These findings should motivate intensified field herping activities and in case of green lizards more pictures of hatchlings instead of large blue throated males.
Ouboter, P.E. (1974) -
July 1973 five species of reptiles and one amphibian species were seen in a coastal area near Otranto (Puglia, Italy). Observations were made on the behaviour oft wo of them: Lacerta sicula campestris and Lacerta viridis fejervaryi.
Parent, G.H. (1974) -
Parent, G.H. (1981) -
ventaire exhaustif des espèces indigènes et naturalisées, présentes e n France et au Benelux : 85 taxons, relevant de 72 espèces, sont cités, mais deux autre s taxons, dont le statut reste à définir, sont mentionnés au n os 31 (Rana esculenta) et a u n° 53 (Podarcis muralis) et huit autres au n` 56 (Podarcis muralis tiliguerta) de l`inven- taire. On signale les zones à prospecter par priorité et les problèmes taxonomiques à résoudre d`urgence . Les aires sont définies par rapport aux provinces ou aux départements : des cartes d`aire provisoires, en France, sont données pour 33 taxons. En ce qui concerne la liste des taxons relatifs à la France, les modifications suivante s sont à noter : 1°) taxons admis : Triturus alpestris apuanus, Acanthodactylus erythrurus cf. erythru- rus, Lacerta agilis garzoni, Podarcis hispanica hispanica, Podarcis muralis merremia , Vipera latastei latastei, Vipera seoanei ; 2.) deux intergrades de Salamandra salamandra sont retenus : 30) taxons refusés : Rana iberica, Coronella austriaca fitzingeri, Natrix tessellata tessellata ; 4.) tombent en synonymie les deux taxons suivants : Podarcis muralis occidentalis (= P. m. muralis) et P. m. calbia (= P. m. oyensis). En outre, liste des espèces introduites, liste des espèces citées par erreur et list e des taxons à rechercher . Quelques données inédites concernent le nord de l`Espagne .
Payne, L.G. (1938) -
Peek, R. (2009) -
Morphological and behavioral abnormalities in F1 hybrids of Lacerta bilineata and Lacerta trilineata. A male L. trilineata was introduced to the enclosure of a female L. bilineata. Mating was observed and a clutch of eight eggs was produced. Three of these eggs hatched after 60 days of incubation at 26-30oC. The juveniles had characteristics of both parent species but displayed deformities at the front legs. Furthermore, they did not show any interest in prey items and subsequently died within 2 weeks. The remaining eggs contained dead, underdeveloped embryo’s with non-closed abdomens. These mechanisms may contribute to the reproductive isolation of both species in the region where their areas of distribution meet.
Pottier, G. (2016) -
Les Reptiles des Pyrénées traite en détail les 32 espèces protégées présentes sur l’ensemble de la chaîne (France, Espagne et Andorre). Cette faune herpétologique est le résultat d’une entreprise naturaliste combinant enquête bibliographique et reportage photographique. Elle propose une vaste synthèse de données relatives à plusieurs champs disciplinaires – systématique, taxinomie, biogéographie, écologie, biologie… – jusque-là dispersées dans plusieurs centaines d’articles et ouvrages. Les variations phénotypiques et les particularités écologiques des serpents, lézards et tortues occupant l’espace pyrénéen y sont illustrées par de très nombreuses photographies exclusivement réalisées in situ, de 2 m à 3 143 m d’altitude. Des cartes de répartition précises (mailles UTM 10 km × 10 km), basées sur des sources scientifiques, complètent et éclairent le propos biogéographique. Les espèces et sous-espèces endémiques ou subendémiques de la chaîne, de même que celles qui y ont un statut particulier (très localisées, vulnérables…), ont fait l’objet d’une attention particulière et les menaces qui pèsent sur les reptiles des Pyrénées sont largement exposées. Cet ouvrage sera précieux pour les pyrénéistes, naturalistes et gestionnaires d’espaces naturels de la chaîne (parc national, réserves, sites Natura 2000, parcs naturels régionaux…), qui disposeront là d’une mine d’informations sur le sujet.
Rimpp, K. (1980) -
Rivière, V. (2013) -
The herpetofauna of Saint Honorat island is relatively poor and consists of common species. The Leaf-toed gecko, Euleptes europaea, is still missing yet. However, the island remains original from herpetological terms, as it represents the only population of French Mediterranean coast of western green lizard, Lacerta b. bilineata. Only two stations of the species have been observed on the island during surveys. We suspect a negative interaction with the Common Pheasant, Phasianus colchidus, occurring here in high abundance.
Schäberle, C. & Schäberle, A. (2019) -
In Baden-Württemberg the only autochthonous populations of Lacerta bilineata are found at the Kaiserstuhl area and the south of Tuniberg. There are at least two introduced populations of this species in Baden-Württemberg in a vineyard near Stuttgart and another one also at a vineyard at a hillside near Tübingen.
Sindaco, R. & Razzetti, E. (2021) -
This paper represents an update of the list of Italian amphibians and reptiles published 15 years ago by Razzetti et al. (2006) and of the checklist published in 1993 by the late Benedetto Lanza. At present, the Italian herpetofauna includes 100 species (41 amphibians and 59 reptiles) and an amphibian taxon of hybrid origin. Seven species and one subspecies are allochthonous and became naturalized within the last century. Since the last published list, a new species has been described (Vipera walser), five taxa have been raised to species rank (Salamandrina perspicillata, Speleomantes sarrabusensis, Zootoca carniolica, Malpolon insignitus and Natrix helvetica) while three taxa have been downgraded to subspecies. All the relevant taxonomic changes based upon new research have been discussed, including tentative revisions and controversial taxa. Nine species reported or listed dubitatively in Lanza’s 1993 list are excluded here.
Speybroeck, J. (2010) -
Sportelli, L. (1969) -
Stemmler, O. (1968) -
Taddei, A. (1950) -
Trepte, M. (1992) -
Vasvári, M. (1926) -
Wirth, M. (2013) -
Zauner, J. (2015) -
Vom 10.05. bis 17.05.2014 sucht ich gemeinsam mit befreundeten Eidechsenhaltern in ausgewählten Landschaften Sdfrankreichs nach dort vorkommenden Lacertiden. Die Biotope wurden anhand ihrer Attraktivität in bezug auf Vegetation, Feuchtigkeit und auch der Farbe des Untergrundes gewählt und hatten nicht zwingend etwas mit bekannten oder beschriebene Eidechsenfundorten zu tun. Timon lepidus lepidus, Lacerta bilineata bilineata und Podarcis muralis brongniardii konntern wir in unterschiedlichen Individuendichten beobachten und fotografieren. Die aufgesuchten Lebensräume in Raphele-les-Arles, der Crau, der Camargue, den Ockerfelsen von Roussillon sowie La Plaine und Massif des Maures inklusive deren herpetologische Begleitfauna wurden bereits von BÖCKL & ZAUNER (2014) vorgestellt.