Portugal / Madeira, the Desertas Islands, Porto Santo Island and the Selvagens Islands. Introduced to the Azores Islands, the harbour area of Lisbon, Porto and Gran Canaria (Las Palmas).


Teira dugesii  (MILNE-EDWARDS, 1829)

Subspecies (4):

Teira dugesii dugesii  (MILNE-EDWARDS, 1829)

Teira dugesii jogeri  BISCHOFF, OSENEGG & MAYER, 1989

Teira dugesii mauli  (MERTENS, 1938)

Teira dugesii selvagensis  BISCHOFF, OSENEGG & MAYER, 1989


Lacerta dugesii  MILNE-EDWARDS, 1829

Podarcis dugesii  ENGELMANN et al, 1993

Teira dugesii   MAYER & BISCHOFF, 1996

Common names:

Madeira Lizard (English)
Madeira Eidechse (German)


dugesii: Holotype: unlocated

jogeri: Holotype: ZFMK 44193, paratypes in ZFMK, SMF and BMNH

mauli: Holotype: SMF 25001; paratype in NMW

selvagensis: Holotype: ZFMK 41561, paratypes in ZFMK, SMF and BMNH

Terra Typica:

dugesii: Madeira.

jogeri: Porto Santo.

mauli: Deserta Grande.

selvagensis: Selvagem Grande.

Relevant taxonomic literature:

  • Milne-Edwards, M.H. (1829) -  Recherches zoologiques pour servir à l`histoire des lézards, extraites d`une monographie de ce genre. -  Annales des sciences naturelles, Paris, 16: 50-89.  

  • Richter, K. (1979) -  Lacerta dugesii MILNE-EDWARDS, 1829 und Lacerta perspicillata DUMERIL et BIBRON, 1839 gehören zur Gattung Podarcis WAGLER, Subgenus Teira GRAY, 1838.  -  Zoologische Abhandlungen Staatliches Museum für Tierkunde in Dresden, 36 (1): 1-9.  

  • Bischoff, W. & Osenegg, K. & Mayer, W. (1989) -  Untersuchungen zur subspezifischen Gliederung der Madeira-Mauereidechse, Podarcis dugesii (MILNE-EDWARDS, 1829). -  Salamandra, Bonn, 25 (3/4): 237-259.    

  • Bischoff, W. (1998) -  Die Reptilien der Kanarischen Inseln, der Selvagens-Inseln und des Madeira Archipels -  Bischoff, W. (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas. Band 6. - AULA-Verlag, Wiesbaden.  

  • Brehm, A. & Khadem, M. & Jesus, J. & Andrade, P. & Vicente, L. (2001) -  Lack of congruence between morphometric evolution and genetic differentiation suggests a recen t dispersal and local habitat adaptation of the Madeiran lizard Lacerta dugesii. -  Genetics Selection Evolution, 33 (6): 671-685.    

  • Brehm, A. & Jesus, J. & Spinola, H. & Alves,C. & Vicente, L. & Harris, D.J. (2003) -  Phylogeography of the Madeiran endemic lizard Lacerta dugesii inferred from mtDNA sequences. -  Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 26: 222-230.    

  • Brehm, A. & Harris, A.D.J. & Alves, C.D. & Jesus, J.D. & Thomarat, F.D. & Vicente, L.D. (2003) -  Structure and evolution of the mitochondrial DNA complete control region in the lizard Lacerta dugesii (Lacertidae, Sauria). -  Journal of Molecular Evolution, 56 (1): 46-53.    

  • Jesus, J. & Brehm, A. & Harris, D.J. (2005) -  Is C-mos phylogenetically informative at lower taxonomic levels in reptiles? An assessment of variation within Lacerta (Teira) dugesii Milne-Edwards, 1829 (Squamata: Sauria: Lacertidae). -  Herpetozoa, Wien, 18 (1/2): 55-59.  


Teira dugesii: 283  pictures (see subspecies level)


Teira dugesii dugesii  © 2013 Jakob Fahr