Filippi, F. de (1863) - Description of Lacerta brandtii. - In: Nuove o poco note specie di animali vertebrati raccolte in un viaggio in Persia. - Archivio per la Zoologia, l’Anatomia e la Fisiologia (Genova), 2: 377-394.  Bosch, H.A.J. in den (1996) - Op zoek naar de Perzische hagedis (Lacerta brandtii). - Lacerta, 54 (4): 121-128.  ×In April 1995, during unseasonably cold, wet weather. tive specimens of Lacerta lmmdtii were caught in Iran: one 35 km east of Tabriz next to the small lake at Guritshul (1900 m), and four near Bazoft in Kuh Rang (2500 m). 150 km west of Esfahan. The latter is only the second report for this mountain range since the Street Expedition of 1968 collected seven specimens. No differences in pholidosis were found between the four male Kuh Rang lizards and the published data for the populations in north-western Iran. It appears that yellow is less prominent in the coloration of the L. lmmdtii of Kuh Rang. The annual change in coloration is described. Around three weeks after ending hibernation the male`s dorsal and lateral regions of the frontal part of the body change from dull brown into bright green, the posterior half into a fair hazel. Throats can still be yellow at this stage but will frequently change into blue, the colour often also sprea- ding to the labials. From faintly yellow the belly will turn brightly (greenish) yellow. the region around the cloaca, the underside of the tail and the undersides of the hind legs change into orange. Unlike some literature suggests, this colour is not found in the pelvic region of the supposedly related species Lfraasii and L parva. Around July the dorsal and lateral co- lours darken, the green disappears, and the ventral colours pale. Even before hibernation starts some throats may already acquire a blue tinge.
The animals lived on the ground, moving be- tween the scarce vegetation and some larger boulders. When collected, they had apparently recently ended their hibernation, these were just males which had not shed their skin, they were dull looking due to the dried clay. Faecal pellets of animals from both localities mainly contained many small-sized Coleoptera. At both localities the soil consisted of clay with sunken pieces of limestone. Ophisops cf. ele- gans and Bufo viridis were found to be sympa- tric. A list with chance finds of other reptiles and amphibians is also provided. Nilson, G. & Rastegar-Pouyani, N. & Rastegar-Pouyani, E. & Andrén, C. (2003) - Lacertas of South and Central Zagros Mountains, Iran, with descriptions of two new taxa. - Russian Journal of Herpetology, Moscow, 10 (1): 11-24.  ×During our long-term fieldwork on the Iranian plateau in 2000 and 2002, we collected and examined a series of lacertid lizards, belonging to the genus Lacerta from various parts of the Zagros Mountains of western and southwestern Iran, from a morphological point of view. Based on the collected material, two new taxa are described: Lacerta yassujica sp.n. and Lacerta brandtii esfahanica ssp.n. Based on all the available evidence, L. yassujica is closely related to Lacerta (Apathya) cappadocica. A short account on taxonomy and biogeography of the studied taxa is given. Rajabizadeh, M. & Rastegar-Pouyani, N. & Khosravani, A. & Barani-Beiranvand, H. & Faizi, H. & Oraei, H. (2010) - New records of lacertid genera, Iranolacerta and Apathya (Sauria: Lacertidae) in Iran. - Iranian Journal of Animal Biosystematics, 6 (2): 21-32.  ×This report presents a new record of Iranolacerta brandtii brandtii from 30 km south of Tekab City, West Azarbaijan Province and 130 km south of the previously known distribution range of the subspecies; a new record of Iranolacerta zagrosica in Kaljonun mountain peak, Lorestan Province, about 70 km northwest of the type locality; a new record of Apathya cappadocica urmiana in the Manesht protected area in Ilam Province, which is the southernmost known locality of the subspecies; and a new record of Apathya yassujica in Pire Ghar, south of Farsan city in Chaharmahal va Bakhtiari Province, about 200 km northwest of the type locality. Rezazadeh, E. & Hassanzadeh Kiabi, B. & Ahmadzadeh, F. (2010) - Contribution to the knowledge of Iranolacerta brandtii De Filippi 1863 (Sauria: Lacertidae) from the northwest of Iran. - Russian Journal of Herpetology, Moscow, 17 (3): 223-230.  ×According to recent revision of Lacertidae family by Arnold et al. (2007), two species of Iranolacerta genus are found in Iran: Iranolacerta brandtii and Iranolacerta zagrosica. Both species have limited range of distribution and unknown biological and ecological status. Therefore, in this study a total of 25 Iranolacerta brandtii specimens (10 males, 13 females, and 2 juveniles) were collected from northwest of Iran. First, based on the morphological features including coloration pattern, morphometric measurements and pholidosis characters the species was studied. Then, habitat features and new distribution localities were documented. For the first time, some reproductive aspects, such as clutch size, follicles number, testis length and color are reported. Feeding ecology of this species was investigated through analysis of stomach contents. Avci, A. & Ilgaz, C. & Bozkurt, E. & Üzüm, N. & Olgun, K. (2015) - A New Record of Iranolacerta brandtii (DE FILIPPI, 1863) (SAURIA: LACERTIDAE) in eastern Anatolia, Turkey. - Russian Journal of Herpetology, Moscow, 22 (1): 68-74.  ×The distribution of Iranolacerta brandtii previously was limited to the Iran. Anew locality is reported here in eastern
Turkey. Data based on meristic pholidosis characters, metric measurements and color-patter features of the
specimens from eastern Turkey were given in detail and compared with data given in the previous literature. In addition,
the first record of Iranolacerta brandtii from outside of Iran is reported here. Yildiz, M.Z. & Igci, N. (2015) - On the occurrence of the Persian Lizard, Iranolacerta brandtii (DE Felippi, 1863) (Squamata: Sauria: Lacertidae) in Eastern anatolia, Turkey. - Biharean Biologist, 9 (1): online first. 6 pp.  ×This is the first report of the occurrence of Iranolacerta brandtii in Eastern Anatolia. The distribution of I. brandtii is extended approximately 230 km eastwards into Van province, Turkey, showing that this species is not endemic to Iran as previously stated in the literature. Seven specimens were collected from four different localities between May and September 2014. Specimens were evaluated with respect to their morphological characters and some ecological features and their taxonomical status is also discussed.