Suchow, G.F. (1936) - Eine neue Unterart der Eidechse aus dem persischen Kurdistan. - Travaux de l`Institut zoologique de I`Académie des Sciences de l`URSS, 3: 303-308. Ahmadzadeh, F. & Flecks, M. & Carretero, M.A. & Böhme, W. & Ihlow, F. & Kapli, P. & Miraldo, A. & Rödder, D. (2016) - Separate histories in both sides of the Mediterranean: phylogeny and niche evolution of ocellated lizards. - Journal of Biogeography, 43: 1242-1253.  ×Aim The ocellated lizards of the genus Timon, comprising six species that are
distributed across continental Asia, Europe and Africa, offer an interesting
model to study the evolution of ecological niches through comparative phyloclimatic
analysis. Our study provides insights into the evolutionary history of
the ocellated lizards and helps to understand the role of climatic niche evolution
during the speciation process.
Location Eastern and western margins of the Mediterranean basin.
Methods A dated molecular phylogeny was estimated based on three mitochondrial
and two nuclear genes. Using multivariate statistics, species distribution
models were developed to characterize the Grinnellian niches of all
species. Subsequently, ancestral environmental niche occupancy of each taxon
was reconstructed using niche occupancy profiles. Niche divergence among
species was quantified by computing multivariate niche overlaps via twodimensional
and n-dimensional approaches.
Results Phylogenetic analysis supports that the ancestor of Timon diverged
into the eastern and western groups following multiple vicariance events that
shaped the current distribution pattern of Palaearctic lizards. High complexity
in the ecological niche evolution between the Mediterranean and non-Mediterranean
climatic regions was detected. The generally low niche divergence
among members of the eastern group and the remarkable climatic divergence
within the western group highlight an important role of temperature seasonality
in a Mediterranean and Atlantic climate context. The results also suggest
niche conservatism in terms of microhabitats described by vegetation cover.
Main conclusions The ocellated lizards provide an interesting example of a
vertebrate radiation where niche shift (with or without vicariance) and niche
conservatism alternate in different niche axes shaping current biogeographical
patterns. Doronin, I.V. & Doroninа, M.A. (2020) - Review of type specimens of lizards (Sauria: Lacertidae) described by Georgy Fedorovich Sukhov. - Proceedings of the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, 324 (4): 506-524.  ×The paper provides data on the current location of the type specimens of lacertid lizard’s taxa described by herpe- tologist Georgy F. Sukhov (1899–1942), as at July 1, 2020: Lacerta agilis tauridica Suchow, 1927 (lectotype [here designated] – ZISP No 12620, paralectotypes – ZISP No 3226, 3235, 3238, 3856, 10366в, 12230, 12231, 12520, 12619, 14110, NMNH No 2152 (14599–14600), 2163 (14621–14622), 2172 (14705–14712), 2184 (14772–14773), 2184 (14774–14777), 2188 (14872–14893), 2279 (15983–16037), 2279 (16038–16074), 2518 (16621)), Lacerta boemica Suchow, 1929 (lectotype [here designated] – ZISP No 30363, paralectotypes – ZISP No 16210, 30358- 30362, 30364-30398.1, NHM No 1960.1.4.26–30, 1965.337–342, NMNO no No), Apathya cappadocica urmiana Lantz et Suchow, 1934 (holotype – ZISP No 12657b, paratypes – ZISP No 11444, 12657a, c, 12658), Lacerta princeps kurdistanica Suchow, 1936 (holotype – ZISP No 11441.1, paratypes – ZISP No 11440, 11441.2–4, 11442, 11443). According to the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (4th edition), the name Lacerta agilis caucasica Suchow, 1927 should be considered as a junior primary homonym of Lacerta caucasica Méhely, 1909, and the designation of the neotype of L. a. tauridica by Kalyabina-Hauf et al. must be rejected. The history of de- scription of taxa as well as a list of Sukhov’s publications (12 articles published in 1927–1948) are given. Localities, collector’s names and dates of capture of the type specimens are clarified. Anderson and Šmíd et al. indicated that Eiselt restricted the type locality of L. princeps kurdistanica; this is not true. Доронин, И.В. & Доронина, М.А. (2020) - Обзор типовых экземпляров ящериц (Sauria: Lacertidae), описанных Георгием Федоровичем Суховым. - Труды Зоологического института РАН, 324 (4): 506-524.  ×В работе приводится информация о современных местах хранения типовых экземпляров таксонов ящериц, описанных герпетологом Георгием Федоровичем Суховым (1899–1942), по состоянию на 1 июля 2020 г.: Lacerta agilis tauridica Suchow, 1927 (лектотип [обозначается здесь] – ZISP No 12620, па- ралектотипы – ZISP No 3226, 3235, 3238, 3856, 10366в, 12230, 12231, 12520, 12619, 14110, NMNH No 2152 (14599–14600), 2163 (14621–14622), 2172 (14705–14712), 2184 (14772–14773), 2184 (14774–14777), 2188 (14872–14893), 2279 (15983–16037), 2279 (16038–16074), 2518 (16621)), Lacerta boemica Suchow, 1929 (лек- тотип [обозначается здесь] – ZISP No 30363, паралектотипы – ZISP No 16210, 30358-30362, 30364-30398.1, NHM No 1960.1.4.26–30, 1965.337–342, NMNO без No), Apathya cappadocica urmiana Lantz et Suchow, 1934 (голотип – ZISP No 12657b, паратипы – ZISP No 11444, 12657а, с, 12658), Lacerta princeps kurdistanica Suchow, 1936 (голотип – ZISP No 11441.1, паратипы – ZISP No 11440, 11441.2–4, 11442, 11443). Показано, что в соответствии с «Международным кодексом зоологической номенклатуры» (4-е издание) назва- ние Lacerta agilis caucasica следует считать младшим первичным омонимом Lacerta caucasica Méhely, 1909, а обозначение Калябиной-Хауф с соавторами неотипа L. a. tauridica должно быть отвергнуто. Приводится история описания таксонов и список публикаций ученого (12 статей, изданных в 1927– 1948 гг.). Уточнены локалитеты, коллекторы и даты сбора типовых экземпляров. Андерсон и Шмид с соавторами указали, что Айзельт ограничил типовое местонахождение L. princeps kurdistanica, что не соответствует действительности.