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of the real lizards, family Lacertidae
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Podarcis muralis nigriventris
Introduced in Cadolzburg, Dresden (Loschwitz), Frankenberg, Freiburg (Messe), Hannover, Hutthurm, Inzlingen, Kreis Ludwigsburg, Lörrach-Stetten, Mühlheim an der Ruhr, Passau (Veste Oberhaus, Erlautal, Mannheim, Obernzell, Jochenstein), Stahle, Stuttgart (Wilhelma), Ulm (Galgenberg).
Source: SCHULTE et al, 2011
Austria, Germany, Italy
Podarcis muralis nigriventris: 63 references
Podarcis muralis nigriventris © 2006 Marcus Schrenk