Podarcis gaigeae   (WERNER, 1930)

Podarcis gaigeae   (WERNER, 1930)

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  • Adamopoulou, C. & Valakos, E.D. & Pafilis, P. (1999) -  Summer diet of Podarcis milensis, P. gaigeae and P. erhardii (Sauria: Lacertidae). -  Bonner zoologische Beiträge, Bonn, 48 (3/4): 275-282.    

  • Böhme, W. (2010) -  A list of the herpetological type specimens in the Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig, Bonn. -  Bonn zoological Bulletin, 59: 79-108.    

  • Broggi, M.F. (2006) -  Feuchtgebiete auf Skyros (Nördliche Sporaden-Griechenland) - ihre Beschreibung und einige ornithologische und herpetologische Inselbeobachtungen. -  Bericht Botanisch-Zoologische Gesellschaft Liechtenstein-Sargans-Werdenberg, 31 S. 269-274.  

  • Brydegaard, M. & Runemark, A. & Bro, R. (2012) -  Chemometric approach to chromatic spatial variance. Case study: patchiness of the Skyros wall lizard. -  Journal of Chemometrics, Special Issue: 25th Anniversary, 26 (6): 246–255.  

  • Chondropoulos, B.P. (1986) -  A checklist of the Greek reptiles. I. The lizards. -  Amphibia-Reptilia, 7 (3): 217-235.    

  • Cooper Jr., W.E. & Dimopoulos, I. & Pafilis, P. (2014) -  Sex, age, and population density affect aggressive behaviors in island lizards promoting cannibalism. -  Ethology, 120: 1-10.     

  • Cooper Jr., W.E. & Dimopoulos, I. & Pafilis, P. (2014) -  Sex, age, and population density affect aggressive behaviors in island lizards promoting cannibalism. -  Ethology, 120: 1-10.     

  • Cox, N.A. & Temple, H.J. (2009) -  European Red List of Reptiles. -  Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities.   

  • Delaugerre, M. & Grita, F. & Lo Cascio, P. & Ouni, R. (2012) -  Lizards and Eleonora’s Falcon (Falco eleonorae Gené, 1839), a Mediterranean micro-insular commensalism -  Biodiversity Journal, 3 (1): 3-12.    

  • Escoriza, D. (2024) -  Environmental colour pattern variation in Mediterranean Podarcis. -  BMC Ecology and Evolution, 24:53. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12862-024-02242-1    

  • Foufopoulos, J. & Roussos, S. & Kalogiannis, S. & Kalb, S. & Strachinis, I. & Brock, K.M. (2024) -  The herpetofauna of the Sporades Islands (Aegean Sea, Greece): New discoveries and a review of a century of research. -  Herpetozoa 37: 231–256.    

  • Germanou, A. & Valakos, E.D. & Pafilis, P. (2000) -  Preliminary data on the reproduction of Podarcis gaigeae. -  Book of abstracts of the 18th International Congress of Zoology, Athens: 183.  

  • Glandt, D. (2010) -  Podarcis gaigeae (WERNER, 1930) Skyros-Mauereidechse. -  In: Taschenlexikon der Amphibien und Reptilien Europas. Alle Arten von den Kanarischen Inseln bis zum Ural. Quelle & Meyer Verlag, Wiebelsheim. S. 487-482.  

  • Großhans, R. (2017) -  Bibliografie der Familie Lacertidae. Band 1: Podarcis WAGLER, 1830 - Mauereidechsen. -  Verlag epubli. 319 pp.  

  • Gruber, U. (1986) -  Podarcis gaigeae (Werner, 1930) - Skyros-Mauereidechse. -  In: Böhme, W. (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas. Band 2/II Echsen III (Podarcis). 65-70.  

  • Gruber, U. & Schultze-Westrum, T. (1971) -  Zur Taxonomie und Ökologie der Cycladen-Eidechse ( Lacerta erhardii) von den Nördlichen Sporaden. -  Bonner zoologische Beiträge, Bonn, 22 (1/2) : 101-130.  

  • Harris, D.J. (1999) -  Molecular systematics and evolution of lacertid lizards. -  Natura Croatica, Zagreb, 8 (3): 161-180.    

  • Itescu, Y. & Schwarz, R. & Donihue, C.M. & Slavenko, A. & Roussos, S.A. & Sagomas. K. & Valakos, E.D. & Foufopoulos, J. & Pafilis, P. & Meiri, S. (2018) -  Inconsistent patterns of body size evolution in co-occurring island reptiles. -  Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27 (5): 538-550.    

  • Kapli, P. & Kyriazi, P. & Lymberakis, P. & Poulakakis, N. (2008) -  Molecular systematics and herpetofauna conservation: examples of Lacertidae from the east Mediterranean region. -  In: Pafilis, P., Kotsakiozi, P. & E.D. Valakos (eds.): 6th International Symposium on the Lacertids of the Mediterranean Basin, 23-27 June 2008, Mythimna, Lesvos, Greece: 31.    

  • Kwet, A. (2017) -  Neues von den Taurischen Eidechsen. -  TERRARIA/elaphe 4/2017: 65.   

  • Martin, J. & López, P. (2014) -  Pheromones and Chemical Communication in Lizards. -  In: Rheubert, J.L., et al. (eds.) The Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Lizards and Tuatara. U.S.A: CRC Press: 43-77.   

  • Mayer, W. & Tiedemann, F. (1980) -  Elektrophoretische Untersuchungen an europäischen Arten der Gattungen Lacerta und Podarcis. I. Die Podarcis-Formen der griechischen Inseln Milos und Skiros. -  Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research, Berlin, 18 (2): 147-152.    

  • Meiri, S. (2008) -  Evolution and ecology of lizard body sizes. -  Global Ecology and Biogeography, 17 (6): 724-734.    

  • Meiri, S. & Bauer, A.M. & Chirio, L. & Colli, G.R. & Das, I. & Doan, T.M. & Feldman, A. & Herrera, F.-C. & Novosolov, M. & Pafilis, P. Pincheira-Donoso, D. & Powney, G. & Torres-Carvajal, O. & Uetz, P. & Van Damme, R. (2013) -  Are lizards feeling the heat? A tale of ecology and evolution under two temperatures. -  Global Ecology and Biogeography, 22: 834-845.    

  • Meiro, S: & Pafilis, P. (2013) -  Character release and enhanced sexual dimorphism? Maybe, but not in insular Podarcis. -  In: Žagar, A. (ed.): Abstracts of the 8th International Symposium on the Lacertids of the Mediterranean Basin, 03 - 06 June 2013, Koper, Slovenia: 14-15.     

  • Meliadou, A. & Provatidou, S. & Valakos, E. (1999) -  An application of geographic information systems using the endemic and protected reptile species of Greece. -  Contributions to the Zoogeography and Ecology of the Eastern Mediterranean Region, 1: 229-236.   

  • Mertens, R. & Müller, L. (1940) -  Die Amphibien und Reptilien Europas. (Zweite Liste, nach dem Stand vom 1. Januar 1940) -  Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, 451: 1-56.  

  • Mertens, R. & Wermuth, H. (1960) -  Lacertidae. Eidechsen.  -  In: Mertens, R. & H. Wermuth (Hrsg.): Die Amphibien und Reptilien Europas (Dritte Liste, nach dem Stand vom 1. Januar 1960). - Frankfurt am Main (W. Kramer). S. 89-157.   

  • Oefinger, B. & Oefinger, P. (2012) -  Die „Riesen” von Skyros. -  Die Eidechse, Magdeburg/Hamburg, 23 (3): 65-70.   

  • Oefinger, B. & Oefinger, P. (2012) -  Skyros & Evia, 26.05. - 04.06.2012 -  https://www.eurolizards.com/trip-reports/trip-reports-before-2016/    

  • Oefinger, B. & Oefinger, P. (2019) -  Podarcis gaigeae – Skyros Wall Lizard. -  https://www.eurolizards.com/lizards/    

  • Pafilis, P. (2011) -  What lies behind a giant: the case of the Skyros Lizard.  -  In: Coordinator: Pafilis Panagiotis, Institutions: University of Michigan / National & Kapodistrian University of Athens / Imperial College. 102 pp.     

  • Pafilis, P. & Anastasiou, I. & Sagonas, K. & Valakos, E.D, (2013) -  Grazing by goats on islands affects the populations of an endemic Mediterranean lizard. -  Journal of Zoology, London, 290 (4): 255-264.    

  • Pafilis, P. & Foufopoulos, J. & Lymberakis, P.& Poulakakis, N. & Simou, C. & Valakos, E.D. (2004) -  Relationships between predation pressure, tail loss performance and energetics of post-autotomy movement in continental and insular populations. -  In: Corti, C. & P. Lo Cascio (eds.): 5th International Symposium on the Lacertids of the Mediterranean Basin, 7-11 May 2004, Lipari, Aeolian Islands, Sicily, Italy: 31.   

  • Pafilis, P. & Foufopoulos, J. & Poulakakis, N. & Lymberakis, P. & Valakos, D. (2007) -  Digestive performance in five Mediterranean lizard species: effects of temperature and insularity. -  Journal of Comparative Physiology B, Berlin, 177 (1): 49–60.    

  • Pafilis, P. & Foufopoulos, J. & Poulakakis, N. & Lymberakis, P. & Valakos, E.D. (2009) -  Tail Shedding in Island Lizards [Lacertidae, Reptilia]: Decline of Antipredator Defenses in Relaxed Predation Environments. -  Evolution, 63 (5):1262-1278.    

  • Pafilis, P. & Foufopoulos, J. & Sagonas, K. & Runemark, A. & Svensson, E. & Valakos, E.D. (2011) -  Reproductive Biology of Insular Reptiles: Marine Subsidies Modulate Expression of the “Island Syndrome”. -  Copeia, 2011 (4): 545-552.    

  • Pafilis, P. & Meiri, S. & Foufopoulos, J. & Valakos, E.. (2009) -  Intraspecific competition and high food availability are associated with insular gigantism in a lizard. -  Naturwissenschaften, 96 (9 ): 1107-1113.    

  • Pafilis, P. & Meiri, S. & Sagonas, K. & Karakasi, D. & Kourelou, E. & Valakos, E.D. (2016) -  Body size affects digestive performance in a Mediterranean lizard. -  The Herpetological Journal, 26 (3): 199-205.  

  • Pafilis, P. & Sagonas, K. & Kapsalas, G. & Foufopoulos, J. & Valakos, E.D. (2017) -  Sex does not affect tail autotomy in lacertid lizards. -  Acta Herpetologica, 12 (1): 19-27.    

  • Pafilis, P. & Sagonas, K. & Runemark, A. & Svensson, E. & Valakos, E.D. (2008) -  Reproductive advantages of gigantism and how intraspecific competition could be involved.  -  In: Pafilis, P., Kotsakiozi, P. & E.D. Valakos (eds.): 6th International Symposium on the Lacertids of the Mediterranean Basin, 23-27 June 2008, Mythimna, Lesvos, Greece: 43-44.     

  • Pafilis, P. & Sagonas, K. & Valakos, E.D. (2011) -  The impact of grazing on lizard populations from East Mediterraneanislets. -  Abstract book of the 16th SEH European Congress of Herpetology & DGHT Deutscher Herpetologentag (25th to 29th September 2011, Luxembourg & Trier). p. 54.     

  • Pafilis, P. & Valakos, D. & Foufopoulos, J. (2005) -  Comparative Postautotomy Tail Activity in Six Mediterranean Lacertid Lizard Species. -  Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, 78 (5): 828–838.    

  • Pérez i de Lanuza, G. & Font, E. (2016) -  The evolution of colour pattern complexity: selection for conspicuousness favours contrasting within-body colour combinations in lizards -  Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 29 (5): 942-951.    

  • Poulakakis, N. (2005) -  Molecular phylogeny and biogeography of the wall-lizards Podarcis (Sauria: Lacertidae) in Greek area. -  Ph.D Thesis, Department of Biology, University of Crete.  

  • Poulakakis, N. & Lymberakis, P. & Valakos, E. & Pafilis, P. & Zouros, E. & Mylonas, M. (2006) -  Aspects of the evolutionary history of Podarcis taurica (Pallas 1814), P. gaigeae (Werner 1930) and P. milensis (Bedriaga 1882) in Greece. -  In: Corti, C., Lo Cascio, P. & M. Biaggini (eds.): Mainland and insular lacertid lizards: a mediterranean perspective. 161-174.  

  • Poulakakis, N. & Lymberakis, P. & Valakos, E. & Pafilis, P.& Zouros, S. & Mylonas, M. (2004) -  Aspects of the evolutionary history of Podarcis taurica (Pallas 1814), P.gaigeae (Werner 1930) and P. milensis (Bedriaga 1882) in Greece. -  In: Corti, C. & P. Lo Cascio (eds.): 5th International Symposium on the Lacertids of the Mediterranean Basin, 7-11 May 2004, Lipari, Aeolian Islands, Sicily, Italy: 36.  

  • Poulakakis, N. & Lymberakis, P. & Valakos, E. & Zouros, E. & Mylonas, M. (2005) -  Phylogenetic relationships and biogeography of Podarcis species from the Balkan Peninsula, by bayesian and maximum likelihood analyses of mitochondrial DNA sequences.  -  Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 37 (3): 845-857.    

  • Poulakakis, N. & Lymberakis, P. & Valakos, E. & Zouros, E. & Mylonas, M. (2005) -  Phylogeography of Balkan wall lizard ( Podarcis taurica ) and its relatives inferred from mitochondrial DNA sequences. -  Molecular Ecology, 14: 2433–2443.    

  • Psonis, N. & Antoniou, A. & Karameta, E. & Darriba, D. & Stamatakis, A. & Lymberakis, P. & Poulakakis, N. (2021) -  The wall lizards of the Balkan peninsula: Tackling questions at the interface of phylogenomics and population genomics.  -  Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 159: 107121 (early view) 12 pp.     

  • Psonis, N. & Antoniou, A. & Karameta, E. & Leaché, A.D. & Kotsakiozi, P. & Darriba, D. & Kozlov, A. & Stamatakis, A. & Poursanidis, D. & Kukushkin, O. & Jablonski, D. & Crnobrnja–Isailović, J. & Gherghel, I. & Lymberakis, P. & Poulakakis, N. (2018) -  Resolving complex phylogeographic patterns in the Balkan Peninsula using closely related wall-lizard species as a model system. -  Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 125: 100-115.    

  • Psonis, N. & Antoniou, A. & Kukushkin, O. & Jablonski, D. & Petrov, B. & Crnobrnja-Isailovic, J. & Sotiropoulos, K. & Gherghel, I. & Lymberakis, P. & Poulakakis, N. (2017) -  Hidden diversity in the Podarcis tauricus (Sauria, Lacertidae) species subgroup in the light of multilocus phylogeny and species delimitation. -  Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 106: 6-17.     

  • Reppa, A. & Agori, A.F. & Santikou, P. & Parmakelis, A. & Pafilis, P. & Valakos, E.D. & Sagonas, K. (2023) -  Small Island Effects on the Thermal Biology of the Endemic Mediterranean Lizard Podarcis gaigeae. -  Animals 2023, 13, 2965. 14 pp     

  • Runemark, A. & Brydegaard, M. & Svensson, E.I. (2014) -  Does relaxed predation drive phenotypic divergence among insular populations? -  Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 27 (8): 1676-1690.    

  • Runemark, A. & Gabirot, M. & Svensson, E. (2011) -  Population divergence in chemical signals and the potential for premating isolation between islet- and mainland populations of the Skyros wall lizard (Podarcis gaigeae). -  Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 24 (4): 795-809.    

  • Runemark, A. & Hansson, B. & Ljungqvist, M. & Brydegaard, M. & Svensson, E.I. (2013) -  Has the inbreeding load for a condition-dependent sexual signalling trait been purged in insular lizard populations? -  Molecular Ecology, 22 (5): 1310-1321.  

  • Runemark, A. & Hansson, B. & Pafilis, P. & Valakos, E.D. Svensson, E.I. (2010) -  Island biology and morphological divergence of the Skyros wall lizard Podarcis gaigeae: a combined role for local selection and genetic drift on color morph frequency divergence? -  Evolutionary Biology, 10: 269     

  • Runemark, A. & Hey, J. & Hansson, B. & Svensson, E.I. (2012) -  Vicariance divergence and gene flow among islet populations of an endemic lizard. -  Molecular Ecology, 21 (1): 117-129.    

  • Runemark, A. & Sagonas, K. & Svensson, E.I. (2015) -  Ecological explanations to island gigantism: dietary niche divergence, predation, and size in an endemic lizard. -  Ecology, 96 (8): 2077-2092.  

  • Runemark, A. & Svensson, E.I. (2008) -  Premating isolation and parallel island gigantism in Skyros wall lizard Podarcis gaigeae. -  In: Pafilis, P., Kotsakiozi, P. & E.D. Valakos (eds.): 6th International Symposium on the Lacertids of the Mediterranean Basin, 23-27 June 2008, Mythimna, Lesvos, Greece: 51.     

  • Runemark, A. & Svensson, E.I. (2012) -  Sexual selection as a promoter of population divergence in male phenotypic characters? A study on mainland and islet lizard populations. -  Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 106 (2): 374–389.    

  • Sagonas, K. & Deimezis-Tsikoutas, A. & Reppa, A. & Domenikou, I. & Papafoto, M. & Synevrioti, K. & Polydouri, I. & Voutsela, A. & Bletsa, A. & Karambotsi, N. & Pafilis, P. & Valakos, E.D. (2021) -  Tail regeneration alters the digestive performance of lizards. -  Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 34 (4): 671-679.    

  • Sagonas, K. & Mairi, S. & Valakos, E.D. & Pafilis, P. (2013) -  The effect of body size on the thermoregulation of lizards on hot, dry Mediterranean islands.  -  Journal of Thermal Biology, 38: 92-97.     

  • Sagonas, K. & Rota, I.A. & Tsitsilonis, O.E. & Pafilis, P. & Valakos, E.D. (2016) -  Infection risk dictates immunological divergence among populations in a Mediterranean lizard. -  Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 29 (9): 1680-1688.    

  • Senczuk, G. & Castiglia, R. & Böhme, W. & Corti, C. (2019) -  Podarcis siculus latastei (Bedriaga, 1879) of the western Pontine islands (Italy) raised to the species rank, and a brief taxonomic overview of Podarcis lizards. -  Acta Herpetologica, 14 (2): 71-80.    

  • Speybroeck, J. (2006) -  Herpetological trip to Milos and Skyros islands (Greece) 24th of May – 5th of June 2006. -  http://www.hylawerkgroep.be/jeroen/index.php?id=21  

  • Speybroeck, J. & Beukema, W. & Crochet, P.-A. (2010) -  A tentative species list of the European herpetofauna (Amphibia and Reptilia) — an update. -  Zootaxa, 2492: 1–27.    

  • Speybroeck, J. & Beukema, W. & Dufresnes, C. & Fritz, U. & Jablonski, D. & Lymberakis, P. & Martinez-Solano, I. & Razzettis, E. & Vamberger, M. & Vences, M. & Vörös, J. & Crochet, P.-A. (2020) -  Species list of the European herpetofauna – 2020 update by the Taxonomic Committee of the Societas Europaea Herpetologica. -  Amphibia-Reptilia, 41: 139-189.     

  • Tiedemann, F. & Mayer,W. (1980) -  Ein Beitrag zur systematischen Stellung der Skyroseidechse. -  Annalen des Naturhistorischen Museums in Wien, 83: 543-546.  

  • Valakos, E.D. & Kourkouli, A. & Skopeliti, M. & Pafilis, P. & Poulakakis, N. & Voutsas, I.F. & Lymberakis, P.L.& Simou, C. & Voelter, W. & Tsitsilonis, O.E. (2007) -  Combining immunological and molecular data to assess phylogenetic relations of some Greek Podarcis species. -  Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part B: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 147 (1): 1-10.    

  • Valakos, E.D. & Pafilis, P. & Sotiropoulos, K. & Lymberakis, P. & Maragou, P. & Foufopoulos, J. (2008) -  Podarcis gaigeae (WERNER, 1930). -  In: The Amphibians and Reptiles of Greece. Edition Chimaira, Frankfurt am Main: 287-290.   

  • Wellenreuther, M. & Runemark, A. & Svenson, E.I. & Hansson, B. (2009) -  Isolation and characterization of polymorphic microsatellite loci for the Skyros wall lizard Podarcis gaigeae (Squamata: Lacertidae) -  Molecular Ecology Resources, 9 (3): 1005–1008.  

  • Werner, F. (1930) -  Contribution to the knowledge of the reptiles and amphibians of Greece especially the aegean islands. -  Occasional papers of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, 211: 1-47.  

  • Werner, F. (1930) -  Description of Podarcis gaigeae gaigeae. -  In: “Contribution to the knowledge of the reptiles and amphibians of Greece, especially the Aegean islands”. Occasional papers of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan, 211: 1-46.   

  • Wettstein, O. (1953) -  Herpetologia aegaea. -  Sitzungsberichte der Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse. Wien, Abteilung 1, 162 (9/10): 651-833.   

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